Median Estimated Home Value:$486,750 Updated: 06/30/2024

Change over last month: + .9% Change over last 12 months: +2.2%

Sellers Market Yamhill County Oregon


Median Property Value, homes in Yamhill County Oregon 2024

Housing Facts and Stats

house prices in yamhill county oregon, house prices oregon, house prices USA 2024

Median Estimated Home Value:$482,580 Updated: 05/31/2024

Change over last month: + .8% Change over last 12 months: +2.6%


Housing Facts and Stats

Median Estimated Home Value:$478,630 Updated: 04/30/2024

Change over last month: – .1% Change over last 12 months: +1.6%

Yamhill County Market


Housing Facts and Stats

Median Estimated Home Value:$479,310 Updated: 03/31/2024

Change over last month: – .5% Change over last 12 months: +2.3%


Housing Facts and Stats

Median Estimated Home Value:$481,290 Updated: 02/29/2024

Change over last month: – .9% Change over last 12 months: +3.0%


Median Estimated Home Value:$486,170 Updated: 01/31/2024

Change over last month: – .1% Change over last 12 months: +4.0%



Median Estimated Home Value:$486,670 Updated: 12/31/2023

Change over last month: +.02% Change over last 12 months: +2.9%


Median Estimated Home Value:$485,870 Updated: 11/30/2023

Change over last month: – .02% Change over last 12 months: +1.3%



Median Estimated Home Value:$486,990 Updated: 10/31/2023

Change over last month: – .09% Change over last 12 months: + .09%



ARCHIVED: September 2023

Median Estimated Home Value:$491,970 Updated: 09/30/2023

Change over last month: +.8% Change over last 12 months: 1.3%

line graph seller to balanced to buyers market.... arrow pointing just past the halfway mark on the sellers market, leaning towards the balanced market



Archived: August 2023

Median Estimated Home Value:$487,440 Updated: 08/31/2023

Change over last month: +1.4% Change over last 12 months: 0.7%



Archived: July 2023

Median Estimated Home Value:$480,660 Updated: 07/31/2023

Change over last month: +0.9% Change over last 12 months: -1.1%



Archived: June 2023

Median Estimated Home Value:$464,150 Updated: 06/30/2023

Change over last month: +1.2% Change over last 12 months: -1.8%

Median Estimated Property Value


Archived: May 2023

Median Estimated Home Value:$470,330 Updated: 05/31/2023

Change over last month: -0.1% Change over last 12 months: -.01%

Median Estimated Property Value

Housing Facts and Stats

Archived: April 2023

Median Estimated Home Value:$471,000 Updated: 04/30/2023

Change over last month: +0.6% Change over last 12 months:+2.5%

Median Estimated Property Value
Housing Facts and Stats
ARCHIVED: March 2023

Median Estimated Home Value:$466,460 — Updated: 03/31/2023 Change over last month: -.3% — Change over last 12 months:+3.7%

Median Estimated Property Value

Housing Facts and Stats

ARCHIVED: February 2023

Median Estimated Home Value:$467,720 — Updated: 02/28/2023 Change over last month: -.4% — Change over last 12 months:+5.7%

Median Estimated Property Value

Housing Facts and Stats

January 2023

Median Estimated Home Value:$469,670 — Updated: 01/31/2023 Change over last month: -.8% — Change over last 12 months:+5.3%

Median Estimated Property Value

Housing Facts and Stats

December 2022
Median Estimated Home Value:$473,280 — Updated: 12/31/2022 Change over last month: -1.2% — Change over last 12 months:+6.5%

Median Estimated Property Value

Housing Facts and Stats

November 2022
Median Estimated Home Value:$478,990 — Updated: 11/30/2022 Change over last month: -1.2% — Change over last 12 months:+8.3%

Median Estimated Property Value

Housing Facts and Stats

October 2022

Median Estimated Home Value:$484,600 — Updated: 10/31/2022 Change over last month: -.01% — Change over last 12 months:+10.3%

Median Estimated Property Value

Housing Facts and Stats

September 2022

Median Estimated Home Value:$485,000 — Updated: 09/30/2022 Change over last month: 0% — Change over last 12 months:+10.7%

Median Estimated Property Value

Housing Facts and Stats

ARCHIVED: August 2022

Median Estimated Home Value:$484,890 — Updated: 08/31/2022 Change over last month: -.2% — Change over last 12 months:+13.0%

Median Estimated Property Value

Housing Facts and Stats

ARCHIVED: July 2022

Median Estimated Home Value:$486,010 — Updated: 07/31/2022 Change over last month: +2.3% — Change over last 12 months:+16.1%

Median Estimated Property Value

Housing Facts and Stats

Archived: June 2022JUNE 2022

Median Estimated Home Value:$474,900 — Updated: 06/30/2022 Change over last month: +2.0% — Change over last 12 months:+10.8%

Archived: May 2022

Median Estimated Home Value:$465,590 — Updated: 05/31/2022 Change over last month: -.02% — Change over last 12 months:+10.02%

Median Estimated Home Value

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$466K$498K$328K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+10%+9.9%+25.2%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – December 2021-May 2022

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – December 2021-May 2022

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – December 2021-May 2022

ARCHIVED: April 2022

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$465,690 —– Updated: 04/30/2022 —–

Change over last month: +4.05% —– Change over last 12 months:+15.19%

Median Estimated Home Value

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$466K$501K$326K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+15.2%+15.6%+27.7%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – November 2021- April 2022

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – November 2021- April 2022

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – November 2021- April 2022

ARCHIVED: March 2022

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$447,550 —– Updated: 03/31/2022 —– Change over last month: +1.1% —– Change over last 12 months:+15.71%

Median Estimated Home Value

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$448K$478K$317K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+15.7%+16.2%+22.2%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – October 2021- March 2022

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – October 2021- March 2022

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – October 2021- March 2022

Archived: February 2022

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$442,700 —– Updated: 02/28/2022 —– Change over last month: -0.74% —– Change over last 12 months:+13.31%

Median Estimated Home Value

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$443K$474K$313K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+13.3%+13.9%+20.9%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – September 2021- February 2022

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – September 2021- February 2022

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – September 2021- February 2022

Archived: January 2022

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$445,990 —– Updated: 01/31/2022 —– Change over last month: .36% —– Change over last 12 months:+19.33%

Median Estimated Home Value


Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$446K$472K$307K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+19.3%+19.1%+20.7%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – August 2021- January 2022

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – August 2021- January 2022

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – August 2021- January 2022

Archived: December 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$444,380 —– Updated: 12/31/2021 —– Change over last month: .5% —– Change over last 12 months:+19.64%

Median Estimated Home Value

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$444K$473K$303K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+19.6%+20.2%+19.6%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – July 2021- December 2021

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – July 2021- December 2021

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – July 2021- December 2021

Archived: November 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$442,150 —– Updated: 11/30/2021 —– Change over last month: .59% —– Change over last 12 months:+19.43%

Median Estimated Home Value

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$442K$468K$298K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+19.4%+20.3%+16.5%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – June 2021- November 2021

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – June 2021- November 2021

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – June 2021- November 2021

Archived: October 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$439,540 —– Updated: 10/31/2021 —– Change over last month: .36% —– Change over last 12 months:+18.38%

Median Estimated Home Value

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$440K$465K$293K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+18.4%+23.5%+15.3%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – May 2021- October 2021

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – May 2021- October 2021

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – May 2021- October 2021

Archived: September 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$437,970 —– Updated: 09/30/2021 —– Change over last month: 2.08% —– Change over last 12 months:+18.56%

Median Estimated Home Value

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$438K$466K$292K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+18.6%+24.1%+15.4%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – April 2021- September 2021

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – April 2021- September 2021

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – April 2021- September 2021

Archived: August 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$429,050 —– Updated: 08/31/2021 —– Change over last month: 2.47% —– Change over last 12 months:+17.45%

Median Estimated Home Value

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$429K$456K$281K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+17.5%+16.6%+10.9%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – March 2021- August 2021

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – March 2021- August 2021

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – March 2021- August 2021

Archived: July 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$418,690 —– Updated: 07/31/2021 —– Change over last month: -2.31% —– Change over last 12 months:+18.33%

Median Estimated Home Value

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$419K$449K$274K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+18.3%+18.4%+11.2%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – February 2021- July 2021

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – February 2021- July 2021

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 Months – February 2021- July 2021

Archived: June 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$428,610 —– Updated: 06/30/2021 —– Change over last month: 1.28% —– Change over last 12 months:+22.08%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$429K$461K$268K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+22.1%+22.4%+7.8%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – January ’21 – June ’21

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – January ’21 – June ’21

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – January ’21 – June ’21

RPR Chart

Archived: May 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$423,190 —– Updated: 05/31/2021 —– Change over last month: 4.68% —– Change over last 12 months:+21.21%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$423K$453K$262K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+21.2%+21.3%+5.9%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – December ’20 – May ’21

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – December ’20 – May ’21

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – December ’20 – May ’21

RPR Chart

Archived: April 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$404,280 —– Updated: 04/30/2021 —– Change over last month: 4.52% —– Change over last 12 months:+16.48%

Median Estimated Home Value

About this data

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$404K$434K$256K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+16.5%+16.8%+4.5%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – November ’20 – April ’21

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – November ’20 – April ’21

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – November ’20 – April ’21

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: March 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$386,780 —– Updated: 03/31/2021 —– Change over last month: -1.000% —– Change over last 12 months:+12.44%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$387K$412K$260K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+12.4%+10.4%+6.3%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – October ’20 – March ’21

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – October ’20 – March ’21

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – October ’20 – March ’21

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: February 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$390,700 —– Updated: 02/28/2021 —– Change over last month: +4.54% —– Change over last 12 months:+13.66%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$391K$416K$259K
Est. Home Value 12-Mo. Change+13.7%+13.5%+6.7%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – September ’20 – February ’21

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – September ’20 – February ’21

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – September ’20 – February ’21

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: January 2021

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$373,730 —– Updated: 01/31/2021 —– Change over last month: +0.62% —– Change over last 12 months:+8.91%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$374K$397K$254K
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change+8.9%+8.2%+4.2%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – August ’20 – January ’21

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – August ’20 – January ’21

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – August ’20 – January ’21

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: December 2020

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$370,210 —– Updated: 12/31/2020 —– Change over last month: 0% —– Change over last 12 months:+7.98%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$370K$389K$256K
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change+8%+6.1%+5.1%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – July ’20 – December ’20

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – July ’20 – December ’20

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – July ’20 – December ’20

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: November 2020

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$370,210 —– Updated: 11/30/2020 —– Change over last month: -.30% —– Change over last 12 months:+8.18%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

Yamhill County Oregon
Median Estimated Home Value$370K$389K$256K
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change+8.2%+6.2%+4.9%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – June ’20 – November ’20

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – June ’20 – November ’20

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – June ’20 – November ’20

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: October 2020

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$371,310 —– Updated: 10/31/2020 —– Change over last month:+.51% —– Change over last 12 months:+8.72%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$371K$376K$254K
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change+8.7%+2.7%+4.7%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – May ’20 – October ’20

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – May ’20 – October ’20

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – May ’20 – October ’20

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: September 2020

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$369,410 —– Updated: 9/30/2020 —– Change over last month:+1.13% —– Change over last 12 months:+8.91%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – April ’20 – September ’20

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – April ’20 – September ’20

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – April ’20 – September ’20

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: August 2020

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$365,290 —– Updated: 8/31/2020 —– Change over last month:+3.24% —– Change over last 12 months:+8.06%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$365K$391K$253K
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change+8.1%+7.1%+3.5%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – March ’20 – August ’20

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – March ’20 – August ’20

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – March ’20 – August ’20

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: July 2020

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$353,830 —– Updated: 7/31/2020 —– Change over last month:+.78% —– Change over last 12 months:+5.7%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$354K$379K$247K
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change+5.7%+4.4%+1.5%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Feb’20 – July’20

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Feb’20 – July’20

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Feb’20 – July’20

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: June 2020

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$351,100 —– Updated: 6/30/2020 —– Change over last month:+.56% —– Change over last 12 months:+5.61%

Median Estimated Home Value

Yamhill County Oregon USA 

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$351K$376K$249K
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change+5.6%+4.4%+2%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Jan’20 – June’20

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Jan’20 – June’20

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Jan’20 – June’20

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED : May 2020

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$349,140 —– Updated: 5/31/2020 —– Change over last month:+.59% —– Change over last 12 months:+4.5%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$349K$373K$248K
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change+4.5%+3.2%+2%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Dec’19 – May’20

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Dec’19 – May’20

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Dec’19 – May’20

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: April 2020

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$347,090 —– Updated: 4/30/2020 —– Change over last month:+.86% —– Change over last 12 months:+4.53%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$347K$371K$245K
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change+4.5%+3.9%+1.5%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Nov’19 – April’20

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Nov’19 – April’20

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Nov’19 – April’20

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED: March 2020

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$344,120 —– Updated: 3/31/2020 —– Change over last month:+0.11% —– Change over last 12 months:+4.3%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$344K$373K$244K
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change+4.3%+4.6%+0.8%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Oct’19 – March’20

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Oct’19 – March’20

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Oct’19 – March’20

RPR Chart

ARCHIVED : February 2020

Yamhill County, Oregon

Median Estimated Home Value:$343,740 —– Updated: 2/29/2020 —– Change over last month:+0.17% —– Change over last 12 months:+4.8%

Median Estimated Home Value

RPR Chart

Housing Facts and Stats

 Yamhill CountyOregonUSA
Median Estimated Home Value$344K$367K$243K
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change+4.8%+3%+0.1%

Price Range of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Sept’19 – Feb’20

RPR Chart

Price per Square Foot of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Sept’19 – Feb’20

RPR Chart

Size of Homes Sold

Last Rolling 6 months – Sept’19 – Feb’20

RPR Chart